Asbestos testing ensures you and your family are kept safe from any potential health effects associated with asbestos.
NZ’s new health and safety laws now mean that houses made of asbestos based products are causing homeowners and buyers major increases in their renovating costs. Residential landlords are also now legally liable for the costs incurred through asbestos removal and disposal.
Getting these potentially harmful products tested will ensure you are not taking any unnecessary risks and you’ll know exactly what disruption and financial costs you could be up for.
Betta Asbestos Testing:
- All samples are tested by an IANZ Accredited lab.
- Is completed with complete independence to ensure you are protected.
- Is undertaken by industry trained testing agents.
- The areas where samples have been removed are sealed after testing to ensure you and your family do not suffer any potential health implications from the removal of the sample.
- Reports are easy to read (simple yes/no answers).
- Are compiled with you and your family in mind.
For independent advice call us on 0800 422 386 or book an inspection online.